Kandake: Sudanese Sisters opening soon!


Robbie Wilson

To date, my practice mainly involves different modes of playful participatory performance and its documentation (e.g. video), using these to enable people’s rediscovery of the environments that they inhabit.  I call it “Unearthing Play in the Everyday”.  I’m always keen to develop new strands to my practice and also to reappraise existing ones, of which there are currently three:


These interventions foreground the inherent riskiness of play by instigating spontaneous, quick-fire, loosely-structured encounters between small groups and their immediate environment; for example, using a bike-rack as a climbing frame.


These audio-walks (currently) engage individual participants, inviting recalibration of their relationship to their environment by presencing the “playfulness of perception” and, crucially, extending this into ludic action; in Episode 2, for instance, participants seek out swinging opportunities.


These workshops take medium-sized groups of participants through a series of exercises, tailored to the particular setting, aiming to incrementally increase participants’ playfulness and performativity towards the undertaking of a final ludic task.  In a setting featuring many modes of transport, for example, the final task involved playful travel.