Kandake: Sudanese Sisters is open!  Thursday 18 to Saturday 20 April.


Last Ditch Attempt in Gateshead and Newcastle

Sat 14th April 2018

12 – 5pm
Gateshead Town Centre and Northumberland Street, Newcastle

Last Ditch Attempt is a mobile seed library and starting point for a seed-sharing network, which asks us to consider a different model for future-resilience in the face of a concerning climatic outlook.

Lucien Anderson and David Lisser will be bringing Last Ditch Attempt to Gateshead Town Centre, they will then cycle the self-built cargo trike over the Tyne Bridge to Northumberland Street, Newcastle.

The library will be set up as a forum for learning and sharing across both cities. From here they will distribute a number of starter seed capsules, give advice about seed preservation and encourage the planning of a new seed-sharing network for the North East.



Last Ditch Attempt is a new commission by artists Lucien Anderson and David Lisser, as part of Deep Adaptation. An ongoing programme of commissions, talks, events and workshops looking at how current social, civic and economic issues can be understood in relation to climate change.


12 - 5pm